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Carmilla O'Reilly

Weight: 250 lbs.
Age: 18

Group Affiliation:Team Dragonfighters special attachment at Andersohn Labs.
Primary Occupation Specialty: Paramedic/On-site trauma expert.
Weapons specialty: MK-12 over/under automatic rifle/grenade launcher, variety of grenade gadgets and many other weapons.

One of three Bioneers. She was created in an experiment that was altered by Janus Kowalski's daughter. Carmilla is a combination of amphibian and human genetic matierial and she is a magnificent swimmer due to her genetic heritage. She is friendly, outgoing and witty. She makes a pastime of reading & studying about the history of the human condition and psyche. She has a high I.Q. but due to being genetically engineered, not much life experience. A force to be reckoned with, when Carmilla appears on the scene in full battle out!